Michael Sagar


Project 1

Checkpoint 1: Ideas

Checkpoint 2: Mood Board, Wireframes, Content

Checkpoint 3: Mobile Layout Draft

Checkpoint 4: Revised Mobile Layout and Desktop Draft

Checkpoint 5: Refined Mobile Layout and Revised Desktop Layout

Final: Finalized Mobile Layout and Finalized Desktop Layout

Project 2

Checkpoint 1: Ideas

Checkpoint 2: Branding

Checkpoint 3: Style Guide, Wireframes

Checkpoint 4: Homepages

Checkpoint 5: Inventory

Checkpoint 6: Item Page

Checkpoint 7: 4th page (Log In)

Checkpoint 8: Initial Prototyping



Exercise 1

Exercise 1 Link

Exercise 2

Exercise 2 Link

Exercise 3

Exercise 3 Link

Exercise 4

Exercise 4 (Birthday Card) Link

Exercise 5

Exercise 5 (Linking Assignment) Link

Exercise 6

Exercise 6 (Craigslist Redesign) Link

Exercise 7

Exercise 7 (Grammy's Landing Page) Link

Exercise 8

Exercise 8 (Reverse Wireframe) Link

Exercise 9

Exercise 9 (Not So Usable) Link

Exercise 10 (Usability) Link

Exercise 11 (Design a Hat) Link

Weekly Screenshots

Gallery on Stickley's website

Week 2 - Gallery from Stickley's website.

Image of Youtube's home page. Image of Youtube's homepage, showcasing the left menu.

Week 3 - Navigation from Youtube.

Showcase of Canvas' buttons normally, while hovering, and when clicked.

Week 4 - Button from Canvas.

Showcase of Amazon's navigation menu on mobile.

Week 5 - Navigation from Amazon.

Showcase of Twitter's account creation form.

Week 6 - Form from Twitter.

Showcase of an item sold on Eighty Sixed's website.

Week 7 - Page selling an item from Eighty Sixed.

Showcase of Dropbox's desktop home page.

Week 8 - Home page from Dropbox.

Showcase of Etsy's inventory page.

Week 9 - Inventory page from Etsy.

Showcase of Roblox's footer.

Week 10 - Footer from Roblox.

Showcase of NGA's About page.

Week 11 - About page from NGA.

Showcase of Spotify's Log in page.

Week 12 - Log in page from Spotify.